When I was little, my mother once told me that crows grab your eye balls and eat, just to make me duck when near them and not go feeding them on our terrace. Till date, when I see a crow flying towards my direction (and by god bombay has its more than fair share of crows) I think its coming after my eyeballs. I dont think that's true anymore. And it irritates me that I believed it and was scared of it happening all my life. Maybe there are more things that I'm scared of, who arent meant to being scared of. Like being alone. My family made me believe that if you dont get married you have a loserly life. You're incomplete and mostly that is the worst thing that can happen to anybody. That they dont get married.
But maybe not. Maybe its okay. And I dont have to feel terrible inside being scared of it coming true. Its probably not half as bad as they told me. The relationships and marriages I've seen, only add to my suspicion for this weird notion. Maybe its not so bad at all to be alone. Not so bad at all.
Super-like it!
jus happened to stumble across...nice blog...it aroused my curiosity AND my instincts. :)
i'd read this short story once, about a man who is psyched out by the commotion around him. and the commotion is everywhere. he realizes that he's gettin so bothered only because he understands wat people say. then he decides to unlearn the language. erase it from his memory. and he realizes he can do that by repeating every word again and again, till it stops meaning anythin to him. i dnt remember the story or the author. and i know u dint ask for d gist either, but this post reminded me of dat, so felt like sharing.
happy writing :)
Many thanks for sharing. In fact, do share more.
What a wonderful story. Truly :)
:) :) Thanks!
here is comes..and yet again a wonderful read..short and meaninful..and i completely agree..parents do make you feel that to settle down= marriage..personal experience :)..
i remember as a kid i had this habit of having tea and to stop me she used to threaten me by saying that my complexion would turn very dark if i dint quit drinking tea and nobody would marry me.. :).. there are so many things that we unlearn as we grow but some stay with u..
mast hai..
Once a crow attacked me, hit me with its beak on my head. I thought it was coming to coming to scoop my eye out. I totally believe that crows can do what your mom thought they can.
just went thru wot u wrote..n ur notion abt marriages..well, rytly said..i really adore u as a single woman...a strong woman lyk u need no man beside u....
Wow..!!! this must be a honest mind conversation with his own self...
not just creative, that is a truly organised, not just organised but factually absolute, truth of our times.. keep on writing like this...
"Its not a question of learning much. On the contrary it's a question of unlearning much." - Osho
Superb writing.It's amazes me that you expressed your thoughts with such clarity and simplicity.
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